Mission Report 2016-2017

California Mission Project

DUE 1/20/17
Mrs. Godsy’s 4th Grade Class

It’s time to explore California’s missions! There are three assignments all graded separately that make up your Mission project.

Step one: Your mission map

Step two: Your written report (graded as part of Language Arts)

Step three: Your presentation

                                        Mission Map
                                                         Step One

You will be viewing an aerial image of your mission to
get an idea of what it looks like before you learn more about it.

   Follow these steps:
   1. Visit the website www.bing.com/maps or Google Maps
   2. Type in the name of your mission as listed here: _______________________
   3. Look at the map from either the aerial or bird”s eye view. You should rotate
       the image to see the mission clearly from all sides.
   4. Place a check next to each of the following that you see at your mission
      A.         Bell-tower
B.    Fountains (record how many you see)
C.    Quadrangle buildings connected in a rectangular shape with an open area
D.    Archways
E.    Statue
F.    Large church building
G.   Adobe walls
H.    Clay tile roof
I.      Gardens
J.     Cross (record how many you see)
K.    Palm trees

5. Answer the following questions:
a. What is located in the area around your mission?
b. Can you tell how the mission is being used today? (Maybe a school or a museum.)
c. What part of the mission looks the most interesting to you?
6. Click on the orange thumbtack which points somewhere at your mission.
7. Click on ‘Directions to Here’.
8. On the left side of the page, type in our school”s address:
796 West 48th Street
San Bernardino, CA
9. Answer the following questions.
a. How many miles is your mission from our school? ______________________
b. About how long would it take you to drive from our school to your mission?

Written Report Requirements

Step 2

Your written report will be completed by answering the following items. The report will consist of the following. When typing your report only use Times New Roman font size 12, black ink. Be sure to double space.
Also see examples below for details on your bibliography and paper title page set up.

Introduction/History of the Mission
Give a brief history of your mission.  What is your mission’s name?  Where is it located?  What is the name of the nearby river?  What year was it established?  Who founded the mission?  Of the 21 missions founded by the Spanish, what number was this one?
Describe what the mission looked like. What kind of buildings did they have and how were they arranged? Was your mission ever damaged or rebuilt?

The Role of Native Californians
Which Native California group or tribe was present at your mission?  What did they do at the mission?  What were their lives like at the mission?  What happened to them?

The Mission Today
What is your mission like today and how is it used?  What are some special or unique qualities that this mission has?

Reflect on what you have learned.  Tell about the thoughts, feelings and opinions you have about the mission you researched.

Please place your report in A Report Cover Will need to look the example cover attached (appendix A) students may illustrate the cover, but it is not required. Report should be placed in a clear report folder/cover.

Step 3 

Pick one of the following
Option 1 Video
Ÿ  Students may choose to visit any of the California missions and make a video of their tour.
Ÿ  While at the mission students need to include the following information in their video:
          Name of the mission
          Location of the mission
          The date the mission was founded
          Interesting facts about the mission
          A student led guided tour of the mission
Ÿ  Students must narrate the presentation while someone else does the videotaping.    
Ÿ  Bring your DVD to school on the due date.

·       Please note that if you are unable to visit a mission students may prepare their video using pictures from the internet.

Option 2 Scrapbook/Poster
Ÿ  Students may choose to visit any of the California missions.
Ÿ  Students are to take pictures of the various buildings and rooms that they visit.  They should also take pictures of the grounds surrounding the mission.
Ÿ  Arrange the pictures on a poster or in a scrapbook and clearly label each picture (minimum 8 pictures).
Ÿ  The poster or scrapbook must include:
          Name of the mission
          Location of the mission
          The date the mission was founded
          Interesting facts about the mission
Ÿ  Bring your scrapbook/poster to school on the due date.

Option 4 Power Point/Keynote Presentation
Ÿ  Students may choose to visit any of the California missions.
Ÿ  Students are to take pictures of the various buildings and rooms that they visit.  They should also take pictures of the grounds surrounding the mission.
Ÿ  Insert the pictures into a Power Point presentation (minimum 8 pictures).
Ÿ The presentation must include:
          Name of the mission
          Location of the mission
          The date the mission was founded
          Interesting facts about the mission

Part of being a good writer is being able to tell others where you found your information.  List your sources of information in the spaces below.  Be sure to fill in all of the information asked for.

Book Title: ____________________________________________

Author: _______________________________________________

Name of Publisher:  _____________________________________

Place Published: _________________________________________

Date Published: __________________________

Web Site Address: ______________________________________

Date Visited: __________________________________________

Title Page Example 

California Mission Project[T3] 

[T4] Mission Santa Cruz

Our Lady of the Assumption School

Mrs. Godsy

4th grade


Mission Report 

4. Distinguished3. Proficient2. Apprentice1. Novice
Content-Quality of Information:
Information is accurate and about the topic
All information was clear and came from trusted sources. Used many facts, details, and examples to explain the topic.Used many facts and details to explain the topic. Information came from trusted sources.Had information about the topic. Project needed more facts and details.Did not have facts or details about the topic. Information was false or only opinion.
Writing-Spelling and Grammar:
Correct grammar and spelling
Made only one or two spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors.
Title page is completed as example. 
Made less than five spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors.Made up to ten spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors.Made more than ten spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors.
Fact vs. opinion
Information had many facts from good sources. Facts were written in own words and citations were made. Information had three or more facts. Facts were written in own words. Information was mostly opinion with one or two facts. Facts copied with citations. Information was opinion, not fact. Facts are copied from source. no citations. 
Oral Presentation-Knowledge:
Knowledge of topic
Showed a thorough knowledge of the topic. Had many facts and details.Showed a working knowledge of the topic. Had three or more facts and details.Showed basic knowledge of the topic. Had one or two facts and details.Showed little or no knowledge of the topic. Had no facts or details.
Oral Presentation-Posture/Eye Contact:
Good posture and eye contact
Posture was excellent. Made eye contact throughout the presentation.Posture was good for most of presentation. Made eye contact many times.Posture was not good throughout presentation. Made some eye contact.Posture was poor. Made no eye contact.