Reading 2017-2018

Monthly Book Reports

  • Every month students are expected to do a book report. Each month I will specify what genre the book will be and what project will coincide with it. 

    1. September: Realistic Fiction   Character Award 
    2. October:  Student Choice Reading Fair 
    3. November: Nonfiction   Write 10 Sentences 
    4. December: Historical Fiction     Write a Letter
    5. January: Newbery Award   Make a Picture Book 
    6. February: Biography/Autobiography   Make a Mobil 
    7. March: Science Fiction   Book Jacket 
    8. April: Mystery    Make a Bookmark 
    9. May: Your Choice   Advertise the Book 
    I expect the students to read the book, fill in the book report form and complete the project for the month.  Each book report will receive a grade for the book report form and the project.  
    Below is a link to the book report form. Directions for the projects are linked above. I also have hard copies in my classroom. 
    I will accept the projects the last week of the month and must be completed the last school day of the month. 

    Students will take an AR test on the book on the last school day of each month.  AR test will be taken in class during morning work. It is the responsibility of the student to take the AR test when they have completed their book.  AR grades are part of the student's ELA Assessment grade (50% of total grade) 

    Order Books through our classroom book club. The points earned help us purchase books for the classroom. 

                                                               Class code  LHVVY